Friday, February 20, 2015

The Label is Wrong (Again)

featuring Mom 2.0

::Every morning, Jeff found the coffee creamer sitting out on the counter, often nearing room temperature.  Every morning, he put it back in the fridge.  Eventually, he told Mom 2.0.::

Jeff:  You know, I keep putting the creamer back in the fridge every morning.  Do you realize that you leave it out?

Mom 2.0:  Oh yeah, it doesn't have to be refrigerated.

Jeff:  Wh.... I... I'm pretty certain it does.  Why else would they sell it in the refrigerated section of the store?

Mom 2.0:  You can refrigerate it, but it doesn't have to be.

Jeff:  The label says, "Keep refrigerated."

Mom 2.0:  Yeah, but it just says that.

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