Friday, February 20, 2015

The Label is Wrong (Again)

featuring Mom 2.0

::Every morning, Jeff found the coffee creamer sitting out on the counter, often nearing room temperature.  Every morning, he put it back in the fridge.  Eventually, he told Mom 2.0.::

Jeff:  You know, I keep putting the creamer back in the fridge every morning.  Do you realize that you leave it out?

Mom 2.0:  Oh yeah, it doesn't have to be refrigerated.

Jeff:  Wh.... I... I'm pretty certain it does.  Why else would they sell it in the refrigerated section of the store?

Mom 2.0:  You can refrigerate it, but it doesn't have to be.

Jeff:  The label says, "Keep refrigerated."

Mom 2.0:  Yeah, but it just says that.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Mom Takes Down Christmas Lights

featuring Mom & Dad

Christmas 2013:  Dad insisted Mom be festive and decorate, so she did.  They put up Christmas lights.

Early 2014:  Mom got sick of waiting for Dad to take down the lights, so she did it herself.  We know this because the lights were ripped and damaged, showing evidence of pulling, yanking, and no ladder in sight.  Dad called Mom out on it.

Christmas 2014:  Dad insisted Mom be festive and decorate, so she did.  She let him put up Christmas lights.  An agreement was established:  Dad would take down the lights right after Christmas... or Mom will.

February 5th: Mom informs us that she has taken down the Christmas lights.

Here is my reimagining of how it went: